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The Information Systems Security Association (ISSA) International web site handles all new membership applications. In order to apply, select "San Francisco (USA)" for your chapter affiliation, complete the form, provide payment, and submit.

Upon receipt of your completed membership application, ISSA International will transfer your membership information to ensure you are listed as an active member. As an active member you will receive up to date Chapter newsletters. In addition, you will be added to our list to attend our monthly meetings. If you're ready to become a member or need to renew your membership, visit the ISSA Join Online page


Voice of Information Security

The ISSA is an unbiased third party made up solely of security practitioners and, as such, is not motivated by politics or profits; only the ethical professionalism of our members and their dedication to protecting information resources in a professional manner. The ISSA is, "The Global Voice of Information Security".

Professional Networking

Take advantage of ISSA Chapter meetings and the ISSA Annual Conference to meet your peers and exchange information. Learn what other IS professionals in your area are doing, and share your experiences and successes with colleagues in other ISSA chapters. Contacts developed through networking are extremely beneficial for benchmarking security practices and as a resource for you to validate security product functionality.


The ISSA Chapter meetings, regional events, and the annual conference serve as vital educational and professional resources, offering in-depth and timely information about our industry. They provide an opportunity to obtain skills and solutions to further your success. Educational opportunities include comprehensive workshops, seminars, exciting guest speakers, and presentations on new technologies in the industry. ISSA also provides members with additional discounts to international security conferences.

Career Growth

The networking and training you receive through the ISSA will provide a means to identify potential career opportunities and can get you known to those in hiring positions. The ISSA also provides updated job postings on its Web site. Plus, you can earn CPEs for various certifications by attending meetings and conferences sponsored by the ISSA.

Leadership Opportunities

Get involved. Promote information security in your company, industry, and your community. At the Chapter and ISSA Board levels, you can participate, learn, and help spread the word about the vital importance of information security.


Become an ISSA author or speaker. ISSA welcomes articles from members for publication on the ISSA Web site and in The ISSA Journal. Share your ideas about security, management, solutions, and innovation. Making a presentation about how you have applied security technology to address risks or ways you have adapted practices to solve problems helps other ISSA members and will identify you as an information security professional who is willing to share ideas and experiences. Plus, you can earn CISSP CPEs.

Access to Information

The ISSA Web site, , provides a one-stop site for information professionals to quickly find useful information on security technologies and practices. The ISSA Journal is the Association's monthly journal that provides members with up-to-date technical, association, and chapter news.



ISSA is a not-for-profit, volunteer organization providing a forum for education, publications, and peer interaction opportunities that enhance the knowledge, skills, and professional growth of its members. A goal of the ISSA is to promote the best practices that will ensure availability, integrity, and confidentiality of organizational resources. The purpose of the SF Bay Area ISSA chapter is to have a local venue for interacting with your colleagues in the security profession.